Join Us!
OUR GOAL: Together, as U.N Peace Ambassador Foundation sow the seeds of understanding, and nurture a legacy of peace for generations to come.
We invite you to join our vibrant, multicultural community of global Diplomats at the Peace Ambassador Foundation.
Here, we stand as One Voice, sharing One Dream and building One Network. Our mission is clear: to foster Peace and eradicate Poverty. We can create a world where unity and compassion lead the way. Join us in this noble endeavour!
Eligibility to become a member:
Must be a Servant Leadership quality to bring Peace and eliminate poverty
Age Category as per Canadian Government / Approved Government Identification
Youth (15-25) Peace Leader
Adult- (26+) Peace Advocate / Ambassador
Documents for verification:
Driver’s License
Citizenship Card
Birth Certificates
School Identification Card
Provincial Government Identification, e.g., British Columbia card
Provincial Health Card - only if you do not have any of the above.